Quickdraw release Versions: date Backup version 4/4/2024 - backup 1290 Version 5.6.0 - Added Shaft Switching controls - mostly new Loom Help screens to control pattern shafts - Added variable aspect ratio to the grid view (requested by Shaft Sw but it's general) - minor bug fixes: Lift Plan view warp columns, float count if GT 32 shafts, Treadle reducer problem, heddle count on all harnesses, glitchiness on weft vertical scroller,Tieup help step size carryover - Added Weft Editor Hide & Delete tabby functions - Added "weave to square" function in weft loom help - Ability to Number Drawloom controls from center-out - Checkerboard toggle on "Thread Substitution" on grid when odd sized blocks used 8/12/2013 - Backup 1211 Version 5.5.0 - New Loom Help/Weft (with tieup) Pickup tools for Rigid Heddle & Multi-shaft looms - Fixed Generic Dobby with 17-32 shafts, roots for Generic Jacquard 3/29/2013 - Backup 1185 Version 5.4.0 - "Save-as" now allows grid storage as .bmp file - Exploring "structure" - new tools on Grid View - Grid "shrink" tool updated to allow shrink ratio - Copy grid pattern to clipboard as bitmap format & text - Name Draft tool mouse-over shows current encoding scheme - Name Draft tool hilights excessive float lengths - Loom Help Screen shows "FS" for floating selvage on large display - Bug fixes: saving extremely large bitmaps opening WeaveIt.bmp file (negative image height for inverted image, oversize image) save drawdown image to store treadling info Crash on Loom Help/manual/Tabby with Floating Selvages fixed 2/15/2023 - Backup 1150 Version 5.3.0 - Improved photo-realistic finished view - New grid tools for blended structures, added layering tools - Updated Finished view for multi-layer - Updated Multi-layer view, layer by warp rotation & select portions of view - Horizontal/Vertical reference lines change structure when moved - Added ability to move green line structures on grid - Increased grid to 512x512 - Fixed glitch in "Shrink Palette" (setting to color by shaft/now clear rotation) 11/6/2022 - Backup 1116 Version 5.2.0 - Virtual Threads for photo-realistic threads - Added Warp Spread function - Changed tieup markers to more standard solid block vs X - Added structure libraries to download package - Drawloom "Stoplight" display for thread substitution - Drawloom Ground Unit editor 10/13/2022 - Backup 1094 Version 5.1.0 - Added "Import Draft" - convert drawloom threading diagram to Profile Draft on grid - minor cleanup for consistancy, etc (thread images on reverse) 09/17/2022 - Backup 1086 Version 5.0.2 - Default file treadling (structure pointer for default structure) - delete fill_bitmap write_logfile - fix draw_block_tieup_overlay for zero size blocks - several write_XXX exports not using provided pointer for default patterns (color blocks, images, etc) 09/10/2022 - Backup 1084 Version 5.0.1 - Minor problem in grid drawloom - losing middle of image on DoThreadSub2 - added messaging on thread image paste if it won't wor - Updated to allow photo-realistic imaging of drawloom patterns - Fixed grid view block counts to show for drawloom - corrected no_draws to shaft blocks since it's a lift plan style - Correct tieup delete to delete drawloom TieDown threads too 09/08/2022 - Backup 1081 Version 5.0.0 - Expand Shafts & Treadles, Grid Size to 256 - MASSIVE CHANGE affects nearly everything - fix "clear grid" to not reset symmetry center - updated polychrome bitmap to ignore two color (B&W) images - Added pull-up to WW Editor menu panel to see whole panel with large number of shafts - Fixed anomaly in Grid View - changes drawing but not controls on small grid squares - Added intro messages in Name Draft Tool & Network Drafting - adding generic function to find warp/weft character - getWWChar - changed control menu on grid view, added rotates,reverse,invert turn, hide on expanded menu - Biggest visible change in grid view, drawloom changes in main edit & loom help (draw_loom_help_weft3) 04/23/2022 - Backup 949 version 4.15.00 - New tools for polychrms Summer&Winter (Grid: Bitmap Image Import, WW Editor: Intersperse sequences) - Added "Network" control to main Warp/Weft Editor - Initial & echo controls - Loom Help Update: Added "Tabby"&"Toggle" buttons, allow "step size" for blocks - Allow Import of files with over 32 shafts/treadles to Grid View (Increased Grid from 256 to 300x300) Expanded "threading" display to show all treadles, improve visibility on full zoom "out" - Network with Echo threads- Warnings if results in shaft duplicates produced - Fixed several "crashes" & Anomalies; ~ Weft annotations over 128 ~ duplicate [NOTES] in WIF file (causes Weave-TI to crash) ~ Imorting file missing "key" pieces ~ "Crash" on LifePlanToTieup if over 32 treadles ~ Allow Finished view in multipl windows ~ "Crash" if unable to find Loom Help file - Updating Finish View, still working on Structural Deflections - Disable FinishView Updates (for this release), 01/15/2022 - Backup 915 version 4.14.00 - Added Color Order controls related to Annotations & Repeats - Modified basic color order "Rotation" similar to new Color Order stuff - Added print controls for color order - Added color names to Color Wheels, add names to colors matching color wheel RGBs (unless specifically present) - fix Float Search fault if floating selvage 12/04/2021 - Backup 884 version 4.13.00 - revised key editing for up/down/left/right controls (<>^v +-) - fixed a few odd hang-ups/anomalies encountered - Ability to edit tieup by double-clicking in drawdown area - Added warp/weft Annotations & Repeats - automatically expand & find repeats - Added "enable warnings" & export format controls to global "preferences" - Added "threading substitution" to Grid view as alaternate block substitution form - Added abiltiy to "Hide Warp" while editing Weft - Annotations drawn with Clipboard Bitmap copies 10/21/2021 - Backup 841 version 4.12.01 - Added mouse-overs to color palette displays for ID strings - Fixed death in Network EnI_colors, fixed float count display 10/16/2021 - Backup 839 version 4.12.00 - Added Identification strings to Color structures - impacted numerous functions related to common Color RGB/shrink palette, etc - Modified large color wheel - outer rings are now 2 shades up/down from center ring 9/24/2021 - Backup 830 version 4.11.00 - enable/disable for duplicate thread warnings - Copy/Paste/Merge palette colors - Weft Editor - add control to add Tabby to pattern - Post-process warp/weft paste to keep treadle & shafts & colors within limits - cleanup warp/weft edit for mouse selection of thread index 5/26/2021 - backup 823 version 4.10.00 - fixed loom help multi-treadle weft width (nTread from nHarn), multi-treadle tieup - Updated Tieup=>LiftPlan to handle multi-treadle weft sequence (Kill tromp-as-writ) - updated w/w editor shifting & multi-treadle controls for paste/reversals - Added tools related to Tieup Editing (turn/reverse/invert Quarter tieup) - SIGNIFICANT updates related to Mac port - Corrected error messages related to gradient warp/weft 04/05/2021 - BAckup 783 Version 4.09.00 3/25/2021 - UPdated Loom Help with new layouts - Updated printing with new layouts - revised to add back side printing 3/01/2021 - Added ability to copy draft/drawdown as bitmap image to system clipboard - adapted code to reduce warnings from Mac & W10 compilers (many files) - Added ability to control position of threading/treadling in various views (broad impacts) - found/fixed initialization errors for network & several other views to override thread sizes & colors - Revised Threading/Treadling view per Preferences & cleaned up scrolling 10/30/2020 - Backup L730 V04.08.00 - Added treadle reducer - also capability to automatically update treadling sequence after manually changing tieup - corrected over-write in pattern comparison screen - Corrected save_undo & restore if .DTX files (no backup path) - fixed bug in "Minimize treadles" - updated "Lift Plan to Tieup" to handle 32 treadles - corrected overwrite on edit screen/profile draft @ bottom - deleted "?" version ID from toolbar - Cleanup "save to clipboard" for Float Count - fixed error in grid reverse block substitution 9/25/2020 - 10/2/2020 - Adding image files for warp, weft & thread images 9/1/2020 - Copy grid to copy buffer - add tabs after numbers for better Excel import 7/28/2020 - Right double click on liftplan (left=1 not 0) - Left moving mouse in liftplan selection - Up possible com ports from 9 to 29 7/20/2020 L682 V04.07.00 - Fixed errors on Undo, RE-do functions - Added Warp/Weft editor functions: Telescope Up/Down - Amalgamation Button/functions - Added float count to W/W Edit screens - changed tab formatting on file comparisons - Added warp/weft shift up/down/left/right buttons - right double click - mark start/end of selection area 7/02/2020 Backup L666, V04.06.01 - Added functions to blend patterns, select which to merge & do it - Enhanced W/W editor ability to shift copied pattern up/down on shafts/treadles - (added LOGFILE_ENABLE global in weave.h to simplify removing on release 6/22/2020 V3.4.5 Backup L653 (Saved/released with above) - Added Image functions to pull pallete colors from image (Zoom & scroll on image) - Added "spread" controls for color & size in Warp/Weft Editors - added "Random" functions to Warp/Weft Color/Size - Revised Warp/Weft Size Rotation to work the same was as the Warp/Weft Color rotations - added save_undo to all Warp/Weft Color/Size functions (2*2*4 functions) - updated Excel Import to add Warp/Weft counts to define color sequencing - Cleaned up Paste functions for consistency - "paste_what" flag controlling what to paste/not paste 5/2/2020 - Changed keys for warp/weft key entry to follow starndard keyboard layout for threads 11-32 - Updated printout of color boxes over color numbers 2/14/2018 backup 302 - added additional color palette controls - enhance float counter to indicate where floats are - fixed "Rose fashion" in name drafts - shafts & treadles on block subs messages - Interface for AVL Compu-Dobby III / added loom help shortcut to top tool bar - Cleanup on Crackle block substitutions - block reversing & incidentals for overshot, updated traditional oveshot/tieup - shaft & treadle shuffler (move shafts & treadles around) - single warp/weft edit - show thread #, color & size - DTX & WPO file imports - new views for Treadling & Threading displays (cartoons) - myriad other minor modifications (significant update overall) 7/13/2017 backup_250 - fixed view back of multi-treadle patterns - modify Summer/Winter treadling (xN & Dukagang) - Added incidentals to block substitution 04/01/2017 backup_241 - reduced logging - delete .bkp & .bkg files from directory on close - auto scroll when warp/weft edit at end of screen - network design line - fixed left click position problem with zoom - setup view- shows notes in mouse-over message if present - directory view - restore origional pattern if view changes during WIF conversions in progress - setup view & print summary - shows number of threads of each color/size - grid image & C&W image improved - Added thread count by color/size to clipboard & Excel template for calculations 03/25/2017 backup_236 - Several Profile conversions - fixed treadling errors - Profile conversion, limit max treadles @ 32 - custom profile edit, top treadle box wasn't controlled - edit & pattern - error message show if shafts or treadles is over limit (32) - open dobby IF - added messaging to log file 03/24/2017 backup_235 - grid view - resolved anomalies around edges of grid - weft edit - fill anomaly - add InvalidateWindow with Dobby interface read 03/23/2017 backup_234 - Grid View - Don't change symmetry center on return to Grid view - save profile view on return to grid after profile substitution - Directory View, reduced max files to 250 to reduce time to draw - fix mouse/display mismatch on window - mouse click to quit listing - added Clipboard text to/from Warp/Weft Editor - deleted "edit" @ top menu (didn't do anything useful) - block doubleweave substitution, block 6-8 treadling - fixed corruption in "shrink palette" - cleaned up closing brackets in Network exports - deleted ribbon_colors & design_colors since unused - limit name draft coding to 32 - cleaned up B&W paste to lift plan & grid - remove odd line after grid image shrink - network, update pattern before store - Added echo data to the WIF file (save & restore) 03/13/2017 backup_209 - Warp/Weft editor Thread Color & Size control cleanup 03/11/2017 backup_205 Initial version to Dropbox RESOLVED & PENDING RELEASE: Issues, Pending Enhancements & recheck functions: - recheck Loom Help - recheck Name Drafting (works on larger shaft count, other prep reqd? Seems OK) - recheck Custom block substitutions (Cannot Duplicate) - recheck WIF Directory displays -saw an explosion (Cannot Duplicate), orphaned backup files? - recheck problems with network colors / stubetinsky data? - recheck grid profile mode on return to grid after threading conversion?? - color & weave import needs enhancements for lower quality inputs - Dobby interface (host side working??) - Calcualator page (XL spreadsheet, Quickdraw export via clipboard)